Rich Simmons é um Artista Pop Urbano Contemporâneo que já expôs em todo o mundo. O trabalho de Simmons explora as interseções da cultura visual, abrangendo a pop art, os quadrinhos, o Renascimento, a moda contemporânea, a sexualidade e muito mais.
Rich Simmons, residente em Londres, tem um alcance global e seguidores de celebridades, tendo exibido em algumas das galerias mais prestigiadas do mundo em Londres, Nova York, LA, Tampa, Miami, Toronto e Genebra. O trabalho de Simmons agora está nas coleções do museu com a exposição Men of Steel, Women Of Wonder estreando no Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art em 2019. No ano passado, uma de suas obras foi vendida por £ 52.000 em um leilão de caridade da Christie's.
O uso ousado de cores de Simmons, estênceis cortados à mão com detalhes intrincados, senso de humor e narrativas instigantes que percorrem seu trabalho estão provando que Rich é um artista inovador e altamente colecionável. O trabalho de Simmons transcende galerias e seus murais de arte de rua podem ser vistos em todo o mundo com o mais recente mural de 3.400 pés quadrados sendo concluído em Rogers, Arkansas.
Simmons também é o criador e fundador da Art Is The Cure, uma organização vencedora do prêmio Vinspired que promove a arte-terapia e tem realizado workshops e palestras em todo o mundo.
Prohbtd magazine described the work by saying, 'Simmons paints like a punk rocker' and as a self-taught artist and storyteller, that outside-the-box mentality and a willingness to write his own rules is clear. Rebellious and controversial but fun and humorous. What the Sex Pistols did with their music and lyrics is what Simmons is doing now with spray paint and canvas, rewriting the rule book and shaping a new genre of Pop Punk Art.
In 2018, a painting created for Gracious Hearts Charity for children with cerebral palsy sold for £52,000 at a Christie’s charity auction.
2022 saw the launch of Simmons NFT debut, with Reflections selling out the 3,333 mint in under an hour and going on to generate $1.8 million in sales on Opensea in the first month. The collection debuted in the top 10 Art NFTs on Opensea and earned finalist spots in the NFT NYC Awards as Best NFT Artist and Best Emerging NFT Artist.
Simmons is also the creator and founder of Art Is The Cure, a Vinspired award-winning organisation promoting art therapy and has run workshops and talks around the world.
“Seu estilo e estética são realmente impressionantes. Estêncil arte de rua além do estêncil e da rua. Cuidado com esse cara ... ”
Mark Hoppus, Blink-182
“A arte em si pode muito bem ser descrita como uma fusão bem-sucedida. Suas representações de figuras familiares, reais e fictícias, permitem que Simmons construa narrativas, às vezes em apenas um único quadro. O que Rich Simmons produz é definitivamente arte, desde as ruas até os entusiastas de todas as faixas respondem ao seu trabalho. Simmons está provando que paixão, dedicação e uma ampla variedade de influências podem criar uma arte intercultural envolvente. ”
Revista Decompoz
“Rich Simmons faz parte de uma nova onda de artistas de rua emergentes do Reino Unido. Como um artista autodidata, ele usa um estilo de estêncil intrincadamente detalhado para transmitir seu senso de humor irreverente. ”
Revista de 1884
"Simmons pinta como um punk rocker."
"Ao implementar a mentalidade moderna para retroceder às imagens, Rich Simmons faz arte que o fará corar."
Revista INKED
“Os profissionais de arte estão acompanhando o progresso de Rich Simmons de perto. É uma grande possibilidade de que comprar seu trabalho agora possa se tornar um grande investimento. ”
Jean-David Malat, ex-diretor da Opera Gallery London
2023 Prestige Awards - Contemporary Artist Of The Year - Winner
2022 Prestige Awards - Contemporary Artist Of The Year - Winner
2022 NFT NYC Best Artist - Finalist
2022 NFT NYC Best Emerging Artist - Finalist
2020 Autfest Texas Autism Film Festival - Short Documentary - Winner
2020 Impact Docs Awards - Short Documentary - Winner
2020 Malaysia Mental Health Film Festival - Short Documentary - Finalist
2020 NYC Mental Health Film FestivalL - Official Selection
2020 Lift Off Film Festival - London, LA, Toronto - Official Selection
2019 Croydon Business Excellence Awards - Commended
2013 HP Smart Business Awards - Social Media - Highly Commended
2009 Vinspired Most Inspirational Young Volunteer - Winner
2009 Princes Trust Young Ambassador Of The Year - Finalist
“His style and aesthetic are truly impressive. Stencil street art beyond the stencil and the street. Watch out for this dude…”
Mark Hoppus, Blink-182
“The art itself could very well be described as a successful fusion. His representations of familiar figures, both real and fictional, allow Simmons to construct narratives, sometimes in only a single frame. What Rich Simmons produces is definitely art, from the street to the gallery enthusiasts of all stripes respond to his work. Simmons is proving that passion, dedication and a wide variety of influences can create engaging cross-cultural art.”
Decompoz Magazine
“Rich Simmons is part of a new wave of street artists emerging from the UK. As a self-taught artist, he uses an intricately detailed stencil style to convey his irreverent sense of humour.”
1884 Magazine
"Simmons paints like a punk rocker."
PROHBTD Magazine
"By implementing modern mentality to throwback imagery, Rich Simmons makes art that will make you blush."
INKED Magazine
“Simmons bold and beautiful work certainly stands out from the street art crowd despite employing many of its conventions. Somehow, in his hands, the use of montage and slogans feels fresh and new.”
Huffington Post
“Art Professionals are following Rich Simmons progress closely. It is a strong possibility that buying his work now could turn out to be a great investment.”
Jean-David Malat, JD Malat Gallery
“Rich’s work is very vocal. He mocks on walls and jokes through canvasses. His work is a pop-art palette. It’s funny and it’s present-time, tethered to mainstream culture but also has a hipster twang.”
Alexandra Luella Blog
“Rich’s art is one of those you’ll see in the man cave of a tech entrepreneur and, oddly, also in the walk-in wardrobe of a Chelsea girl. His pieces always have a well-known narrator. An icon that delivers the message for him. The superheroes, Mona Lisa, the 50s pin-up girls; the renowned marks of Chanel and Louis Vuitton. They are contemporary, relevant, each one carries its own message and are very recognisable.”
Alexandra Luella Blog